Covoiturage du Village des Pruniers
Nourrir la fraternité - Protéger la planète
Trajet régulier - Demande et Offre
Du ven. 13 déc. 2024 au sam. 18 janv. 2025
Aller: Plum Village Netherlands
Durée: 11h
- Nombre de places demandées: 2
- Nombre de places proposées: 2
- Autoroute: oui
L | M | M | J | V | S | D | |
Aller | 10:00 | 10:00 | 10:00 | 10:00 | 10:00 | 10:00 | 10:00 |
commentaire: I am a neigbor of Plum Village and due to health concerns I am moving back to the Netherlands for the time being. I have a car available that needs to be driven to the Netherlands before mid-January (because I cannot drive it back myself). I have one driver already but she needs a co-driver, if this is not convenient to you, she may also find another way of transport. It's a small car (twingo 2013) in good condition (manual, with cruise control). Please contact me for more information.
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